The sexy investigator Chanel is looking for a criminal who is dedicated to stealing panties, she meets her team in a property where they think the subject may be, they search every corner of this house without success, then they decide to take a break while our investigator wonders if she could have made a mistake, seconds later the criminal appears and kidnaps the beautiful Chanel dragging her towards a dark hallway, he forces her to call her colleagues to tell them that she is going to go get something to eat, then the subject puts handcuffs on her, pulls down her blouse and starts caressing her tits while he makes her rub his crotch from behind before taking her to the bedroom.
Shortly after we see that our sexy agent is tied to the bed with tape completely naked, the thief climbs on the bed with her and gropes her ass, then makes her sit down and caresses her tits again before putting her thongs in her mouth and gagging her with tape. The guy continues to grope her tits and ass for a while, the guy walks away for a moment as she desperately struggles to free herself looking quite sexy while doing so, the masked man comes back to say goodbye but can't help but grope her once more, he proceeds to unbutton his pants and takes her from behind, she only makes moaning sounds as he fucks her, she seems a little relieved after the guy finishes but he keeps squeezing her tits, then he puts a drugged handkerchief on her face so she will be unconscious, then he walks away leaving our sexy agent tied up showing off her attractive naked body.